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Interactive Technology Should Actually Interact

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Interactive Technology Should Actually Interact

Over the past two few years I have had a chance reflect on many innovative exercise watches.  I have purchased several sports watches over time and in my opinion the capabilities didn’t expand a lot.  However, I must say that recently there have been improvements to ruggedization, water proofing, water resistance, location based tracking (GPS), rechargeables, and so on.  It is also pretty obvious that there is a surge in fitness application.  Many manufacturers have developed variations of exercise watches that focus on monitoring your health.  When you really look at the common factor in most of the watches on the market (fitbit, polar loop, Nike FuelBand, …) they all seem to hover around the same data and the same purpose.  Why can’t we have wearables that remind us that we didn’t eat lunch, we forgot to take our vitamins, or tell us to calm down before we blow a gasket.  Shouldn’t interactive technology really interact?

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