Yesterday I blew some dust off of my old DVD case and decided to watch an old movie (well, not that old). Seems like there is always the perfect movie for the perfect situation. I was reflecting over some career changes that have had a lifelong impact on me. In my book titled Preparing for Success I have extremely close ties to chapter 10 where I talk about bumps in the road and how one bump has varying effects on someone who knows the bump is there versus someone who is caught off guard and has no idea it exist.
The movie I watched yesterday was titled “The Company Men“. Many people have books that are listed for recommended reading. I also have movies for recommended viewing. I think any professional, or simply any one that has a job should watch this movie. It is the ideal movie for complacency. If you think for one second that life is static and everything as you see it will remain unchanged, you will be in for a shocker when you hit that bump in the road.
I have learned that success is just as much about failure as it is accomplishment. Those that have accomplished have either mastered how to avoid failure, or have used failure as a learning tool to guide their future. The movie highlights arrogance, greed, and at the end of the day humility. I think everyone can relate to one if not all 3 (arrogance, greed, and humility) of those. The first time I watched this movie I connected my life to Bobby Walker (Ben Affleck). It was that point in my life when money was not a problem, I didn’t know how much routine thing cost like tooth paste, soap, eggs, etc.. Those were times when I never looked at prices and simply would grab the first one off of the shelf. I heard Donald Trump say one day that “a wealthy man counts money”. When we encounter humbling experiences in the work place, or things in life that change the dynamics of economics, it’s that one moment everything makes sense and our eyes are finally opened to the world as it really is, not how we think it is.
So….this week I want all of my followers that have not watched The Company Men to go out and pick it up, download it (legally), or however you can get your hands on it. I guarantee if you have ever been fired from a job, been without a job, or simply want a job that leads to reward you will connect with this movie. I list this movie as one of my “Professional Development-101” movies that is required reading for anyone preparing for success.
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